Wealth Management

Hopefully you will have noticed that our website is purposefully succinct. That’s because we don’t believe in page upon page of waffle about pensions, investments and life cover that may or may not be appropriate to your circumstances. We also don’t believe in pictures of perfect family units looking wistfully into the middle distance or running down a beach as, let’s be honest, that isn’t real life. Having a trusted adviser who can really make a difference to your future financial wellbeing is the reality that we are more interested in and this is a focus that our clients share.

We like to sleep at night and so do clients who work with us so we do not and will not get involved with any ‘clever’ tax planning schemes (that are usually challenged and overturned by HMRC), nor do we recommend any form of unregulated investments for our clients. The vast majority of these are not usually appropriate for the clients we work with. We also do not get involved with Pensions ‘Freedom’ or ‘Liberation’. Such actions would rarely be considered good advice for the clients we work with.

If they really wanted to buy the much talked about Lamborghini, then they can do so using their other assets rather than from capital that is in a tax advantaged wrapper such as their pension…in reality this does not tend to actually happen!